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September Update

08/29/2022 03:25:13 PM


Peter Katz

This summer has been super busy for the Afghan family being hosted by CDT.  After those early days of welcoming the family and arranging for benefits, the work since March has focused on supporting them to become a part of their new community. They have made much progress! 
Getting a job– In March, MW (the dad) secured a full-time job at Whole Foods – in fact, he had 4 job offers to choose from! Congregants...Read more...

April Update

03/31/2022 12:51:39 PM


Meryl Epstein/Annette Jacobs

March saw many changes for the Afghan Family and the Resettlement Project. The family has now been here three months and is settling into life in the US. The dad is looking hard for a part-time job.  With COVID numbers reducing, we hope to be introducing the family to other Afghans in the area, as well as young Cambridge families with children who belong to one of our sister congregations, Reservoir Church, this...Read more...

Seeking new family liaisons

02/05/2022 04:48:03 PM


Leadership Team


Dear Dorshei Tzedek, Hillel B'nai Torah, and Reservoir Church Congregations, 

Under the joint partnership of Catholic Charities and the Jewish Community Relations Council, we have come together as a set of religious congregations to provide both financial and human assistance to the Afghan family we are supporting. They arrived December 21st following a traumatic sequence of events...Read more...

Help Pass the Afghan Adjustment Act!

02/03/2022 03:45:42 PM


Tony Broh

This message requests action this coming Tuesday, February 8
Call your U.S. Senators and Representatives
Forward this message to friends and relatives 

Some acts of Tikkun Olam focus on individuals like the Afghan family we are helping resettle; some require collective action like advocacy for legislation that advances a similar cause.  Passing the...Read more...

Sharing our stories

01/13/2022 03:47:50 PM


Beth Green & Alice Markowitz

Each time our Afghan family welcomes us into their home we are greeted by a different delicious aroma wafting from the kitchen. Usually it is from the lunch the family has just finished, but this day, a weekend, the visit seemed to be more social and less business than usual. A chance to build our relationship by getting to know each other a little better. As we settled down on the floor, as is the custom in Afghanistan, the husband spread a...Read more...

Happy Chanukah from the CDT Afghan Resettlement Planning Team 

11/28/2021 12:45:17 PM


Paul Hattis

Today’s joy in celebrating the first day of Chanukah also brings with it the news that today, we are notifying the JCRC that we are now at a point with our apartment readiness to be able to be matched with an Afghan family who will come and begin their life in the Boston area.

We have learned that, family structure-wise, we are likely to be supporting a family of four, with a married couple, an infant, and a three-year-old....Read more...

Preparing a home

11/09/2021 02:30:07 PM


Meryl Epstein

We have picked up the first round of home goods from Welcome Home. Thank you to everyone who helped by donating household items. We now have bedding, towels and the necessary kitchen supplies for them to prepare and enjoy home cooked meals.  Once the family settles into their new apartment,  we will see what else they need. If there are items that they do not want,  we can return them to Welcome Home for use...Read more...

Change in leadership

10/28/2021 07:04:07 PM


Annette Jacobs

Dear CDT colleagues –

 I write with conflicted emotions and sadness to let you know that this past week and weekend, I informed Tony, Janet, and the Leadership Team that, as of the end of November, I am resigned as co-chair of the Afghan Family Resettlement Team. Thankfully, Paul Hattis, a current Team member, has agreed to take my place, which is wonderful for the team, the effort, and a great relief to me.  He will do an...Read more...

How could I say "no"?

10/06/2021 08:22:47 PM


Annette Jacobs, Co-Chair

When I was first approached about co-chairing the Afghan Refugee initiative for CDT, my immediate response was “no, absolutely not”.  I had managed for 45 years in my professional career, and as I retired, my one promise to myself was that I would now be a “worker bee”.  No more being responsible for others.  However, my family called out to me.  Like many of you, I am from a family of refugees on both...Read more...

Letter introducing this effort

09/29/2021 11:29:53 AM


Bob Warren, President

Dear CDT Community, 

With the approval of the CDT Board of Directors, I am pleased to announce our Tikkun Olam commitment to help sponsor the resettlement of an Afghan family to our area. The program, known nationally as Afghan Parolee Assistant Program (APA), is being coordinated locally by the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) and other agencies. It's a HUGE mitzvah and one that will make a meaningful...Read more...

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784