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B'nei Mitzvah's Opportunities for Tzedakah

At a time when most kids are eagerly looking forward to what they’ll be receiving when they become B'nei Mitzvah, this is a wonderful opportunity to teach about the obligation to give part of what is ours to others, especially at a time of joy! 

B'nei Mitzvah students often contribute some portion of their present money to particular causes. Some include in the B'Mitzvah invitation a request that people make a donation to charity in lieu of a gift. Others dedicate a percentage of the total present money received and donate that to charity. 

Additional Giving 

Some families decide to incorporate tikkun olam into the B'Mitzvah party. Instead of traditional table decorations (flowers or balloons) one can use baskets of items to be donated after the event. It is also traditional in many synagogues for a child’s close and/or extended family to make donations to the congregation or religious school in honor of the B'Mitzvah. Dorshei Tzedek welcomes and appreciates all such contributions!

In lieu of each student in the class giving a gift to every other child, a tradition has developed of all the families contributing to the “B'nei Mitzvah fund.” Each family donates an amount to a class tzedakah fund, and then the students in the class, with guidance from the Kitah Zayin teacher, decide how to allocate the money at the end of the 7th grade school year. 

Some B'nei Mitzvah cohorts have also decided to give a gift to the congregation — these have ranged from siddurim and chumashim to flowers for the bimah and other needed items. 

Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784