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Shavuot 5783

Shavuot, the "Festival of Weeks," comes seven weeks after Passover and marks the mythic moment of receiving Torah on Mount Sinai. The evening of the holiday is traditionally marked by late-night Torah study, and the idea that at midnight the heavens open, and we each receive the Torah, the learning, that is destined for us this year. Join us for one or more of these CDT-hosted or co-sponsored events!

Zoom Tikkun Shavuot

Thursday, May 25, 5:00 pm-Friday, May 26, 6:00 pm 
Zoom (sponsored by Temple Israel of Boston)

CDT is co-sponsoring this virtual, 25-hour Shavuot study extravaganza. Learn alongside people from around the world as dozens of teachers, artists, and facilitators lead us in study, prayer, art making, music, and more over 25 hours in the Zoomosphere. Sessions run back to back all night and day, and you can pop in for an hour or two, or brew a pot of coffee and stay with us for the long haul!

Visit the Temple Israel website for more details.

Community Tikkun Leil Shavuot

Thursday, May 25, *8:00 pm-Friday, May 26, 4:00 am 
Congregation Kehillath Israel (384 Harvard St, Brookline, MA)

We are glad to once again be joining with other local synagogues for an all-nighter of learning and more! There will be indoor and outdoor sessions, with a variety of local teachers. Coffee and snacks provided. For more information, go to

*There will be a limited Pre-Tikkun Session at 7:00 pm for those with earlier bedtimes

2nd Day Shavuot Morning Service 

Saturday, May 27, 10:00 am-12:00 pm 
CDT Sanctuary & Zoom

On this final Shabbat of May, we will mark the Shavuot holiday with the singing of Hallel and a Yizkor service. Dairy-filled Kiddush lunch to follow! 

Mon, October 7 2024 5 Tishrei 5785