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Adult Education: Past Course Recordings

What is my Legacy? Ethical Wills and Planned Giving

Thurs 4/4 and Wed 4/10, 7:00-8:15 pm 

Session 1: Ethical Wills
Class recording | Materials: What Is My Legacy? worksheet; "Ethical Wills" excerpt from Wise Aging

Session 2: Planned Giving
Class recording

Igbo Jews Historically & Today with Yehudah Webster

Thursday, March 7, 7:00-8:15 pm

Watch the recording on YouTube

Spiritual activist and community organizer Yehudah Webster shared about the history of the Igbo Jews through the lens of his Igbo Jewish lineage by way of the forced enslavement and conversion of his ancestors in Guyana.

For anyone interested in learning more about Igbo Jewry, go to

For those interested in supporting Yehudah in organizing a group of Jews with potential/confirmed Igbo ancestry to go connect and learn, please go to this link.

Zionism and Beyond: Ideals, Debates, and Counter-narratives

With Rabbi Toba Spitzer
Tuesday, January 16, Thursday, January 25, and Tuesdays, January 30 & February 6, 7:00-8:30 pm

Class #1 (Tuesday, January 16) (Class recording)
Sources/Resources: Chapter 1 of Zionism: An Emotional State; Texts - Session 1

Class #2 (Thursday, January 25) (Class recording)
For this class, we will be joined by Prof. Derek Penslar, Director of Harvard's Center for Jewish Studies and author of Zionism: An Emotional State (Rutgers University Press, 2023)

Class #3 (Tuesday, January 30) (Class recording)
We will by joined by CDT member Marjorie Feld, who will discuss her forthcoming book, The Threshold of Dissent: A History of American Jewish Critics of Zionism.
Sources/Resources: Chapter 4 of The Necessity of Exile, Shaul MagidMarjorie Feld, Abstract of The Threshold of Dissent

Class #4 (Tuesday, Feb 6) (Class recording)
Sources/Resources: Where do I connect?  (worksheet); Book talk - Omri Boehm, Haifa Republic: A Democratic Future for Israel; Pieces by Rabbi Toba:  Creating a New Narrative; Beyond Erasure: On Anti-Zionism & AntisemitismLoving All Who Dwell in the Land.

Beyond the Two-State Solution

With Dr. Jonathan Kuttab
Wednesday, October 4, 7:30-9:00 pm

CDT Sanctuary & Zoom
Co-sponsored by Temple Beth Zion,Temple Sinai of Brookline Israel Committee, and Temple Israel of Boston

Human rights lawyer and peace activist Jonathan Kuttab will share with us his vision for peace in Israel-Palestine that he advances in his short book Beyond the Two-State Solution. Dr. Kuttab challenges the assumptions of both Zionism and Palestinian nationalism in his transformative vision of a homeland for both the Jewish and Palestinian peoples that meets the existential needs of both people. Please join us for what promises to be a thoughtprovoking conversation! Beyond the Two State Solution is available to download for no charge; visit

Jonathan Kuttab is a brown, widely-framed man with silver hair and eyebrows as thick and bushy as his mustache. Jonathan Kuttab is a renowned Palestinian human rights lawyer, cofounder of the independent NGO Al Haq, the premier human rights organization in the West Bank, and cofounder of Nonviolence International, which seeks to realize the worth and dignity of all people through the nonviolent resolution of conflicts around the globe.

Judaism Disrupted: Book Talk & Conversation (5783)

with Rabbi Michael Strassfeld

Watch the recording of Rabbi Strassfeld's conversation with Rabbi Toba and CDT members!

From Metaphor to Practice: An Exploration (5783)

with Rabbi Toba Spitzer

Session One, November 30: God as Water and as Voice How do we nourish our spirits through prayer, song, meditation, and other Jewish rituals?
There is no recording available for Session One.

Session Two, December 7: God as Place & Rock of Refuge — Where is the divine as we support one another in times of transition and crisis, illness and mourning?
Class recording     

Session Three, December 14: God as Fire, Rain of Justice Where do we locate God/liness in our work to repair the world?
Class recording

Session Four, December 21: The God-Cloud and Becoming When so many forces in society threaten to tear us apart, what might God/liness have to do with fostering community?
Class recording

With All Your Possessions: The Torah of Money (5782)

with Rabbi Toba Spitzer

What does Judaism have to say about money and our economic relations?  A lot!  We will explore Jewish texts and practices related to mindful consumption, tzedakah and economic justice, and the radical implications of Shabbat and the sabbatical year.  Members of the CDT Economic/Class Difference working group will also share some of the groundbreaking work they have been doing in exploring personal connections to issues of class and economic inequality, both at CDT, in the Jewish community, and in society at large. 

Session 1
Recording     Texts

Session 2
Recording     Texts

Session 3
Recording     Texts     Worksheet

Session 4
Recording     Texts     Worksheet

Session 5 

Jewishness, Whiteness, and Race in America (5782)

with Rabbi Toba Spitzer and Dr. Jenny Sartori

Recordings: Session 1      Session 2        Session 3        Session 4 

Readings:    Goldstein   --Karen Brodkin essay-   Course Materials

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785