Mondays, February 5, 12, 26, March 4 and 11, 1:15-2:15 pm
Join Akiva for an exploration of the wondrous morning liturgy called Birchot HaShachar (Blessings of the Dawn). We'll study how these prayers can help us cultivate the beneficial character traits of humility, gratitude, a sense of wonder, and more. Using these prayers as a starting point, we'll also discuss frameworks that will allow prayer to feel more authentic and beneficial. For those who enjoyed last year's Learner's Minyan and those who want to engage more deeply in studying Jewish prayer, liturgy, and spiritual practice, this class is for you!
Class #1
Presentation slides
Class #2
Presentation slides
Class #3
Lesson plan | Presentation slides
Class #4
Presentation slides
Class #5
(No slides)