Picture Books - Topical Lists
Picture Books with Jews of Color
In an effort to diversify the Jewish representation in our Religious School curriculum, we've compiled a list of pictures books with Jewish content that include Jews of color and Sephardi and Mizrachi Jews. Most of these books are available in the Minuteman and Boston Public Library systems, and many are also in the CDT library.
Click here to access the full list, along with synopses, alphebetized by author.
Have comments or feedback about the list? We'd love to hear from you! Please email L.Pruente@dorsheitzedek.org.
Bible Stories
High Holydays
Mitzvot/Jewish Values
Bible Stories
What a Truly Cool World, by Julius Lester
The Chameleon that Saved Noah's Ark, by Yael Molchadsky
Treasury of Bible Stories, by Donna Jo Napoli
When God Made Light, by Matthew Paul Turner
Let There Be Light, by Archbishop Desmond Tutu
The Enduring Ark, by Gita Wolf
Hanukkah Moon, by Debrrah Da Costa
Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas, by Pamela Ehrenberg
A Turn for Noah: A Hanukkah Story, by Susan Topek
Hanukkah Around the World, by Tami Lehman-Wilzig
High Holydays
Jackie and Jesse and Joni and Jae, by Chris Barash
The Secret Shofar of Barcelona, by Jacqueline Dembar Greene
Apple Days: A Rosh Hashanah Story, by Allison Sarnoff Soffer
The Jews: One People, by Barbara Bar-Nissim
I Love Jewish Faces, by Debra B. Darvick
The World is Awake: A Celebration of Everyday Blessings, by Linsey Davis
Always an Olivia: A Remarkable Family History, by Carolivia Herron
Elan, Son of Two Peoples, by Heidi Smyth Hyde
Let's Talk About Race, by Julius Lester
Why is Heaven Far Away?, by Julius Lester
Chicken Soup, Chicken Soup, by Pamela Mayer
Yosef's Dream, by Sylvia Rouss
Abuelita's Secret Matzahs, by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
When God Gave us Words, by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
What Makes Someone a Jew?, by Lauren Seidman
Yuvi's Candy Tree, by Lesley Simpson
Golemito, by Ilan Stavans
Rebecca's Journey Home, by Brynn Olen Sugerman
Jalapeno Bagels, by Natasha Wing
Almost a Minyan, by Laurie Kline
Hare and Tortoise Race Across Israel, by Laura Gehl
Mitzvot/Jewish Values
Never Say a Mean Word Again: A Tale from Medieval Spain, by Jacqueline Jules
Hillel Takes a Bath, by Vicki L. Weber
Afikomen Mambo, by Rabbi Joe Black
A Tale of Two Seders, by Mindy Avra Portnoy
Ezra's BIG Shabbat Question, by Aviva Brown
Day of Delight: A Jewish Sabbath in Ethiopia, by Maxine Rose Schur
The Sabbath Lion: A Jewish Folktale from Algeria, by Howard Schwartz
Who's Got the Etrog, by Judith Kohuth
The Best Sukkot Pumpkin Ever, by Laya Steinberg