Pesach 5784
Passover begins this year the evening of April 22, and continues through April 29 (the Reconstructionist calendar follows the Israeli calendar, celebrating Passover for 7 days; some choose to observe for 8 days, through April 30). As we remember our ancestors' journey from Mitzrayim/the Narrow Place of oppression during zman cheruteynu, the "season of our freedom," read on for opportunities for learning, spiritual enrichment, seder matchmaking, and more!
Shabbat Chol Ha'mo'ed Pesach
Saturday, April 27, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
CDT Sanctuary and Zoom
All are invited to join CDT member-leaders for this special Shabbat of the Passover week, featuring the singing of Hallel! A Pesach-dik Kiddush follows services.
Seventh Day of Pesach Service
Monday, April 29, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
CDT Sanctuary
Traditionally, the 7th day of the Passover week celebrates the Israelites' crossing of the Reed Sea. We will celebrate the final day of Pesach with a service that includes Hallel and Yizkor, an opportunity to remember loved ones who are no longer with us. For those remembering a loved one, yizkor candles are lit Sunday evening, April 28 (or Monday evening, if you are observing 8 days of Passover). This service is in-person only.
Pesach Seder Matchmaking
It's a mitzvah to attend a Passover seder, and a mitzvah to invite others to your table — so do a mitzvah! Our VPs of Engagement will be helping to match CDT households so that everyone who would like to attend a first or second night seder is able to do so. Please click on the "Passover" button on the CDT home page to find the form where you can both offer a space or request a space. Please know we will do our best to make matches, and we very much appreciate those who open up their homes and their seder tables!
Submit your request through our Seder Matchmaking Form as soon as possible or by Monday, April 15 at the latest. We will do our best to match people, but it all depends on your participation! Early requests will be accommodated first.
Thank you to our prospective hosts for welcoming guests, and thanks to our prospective guests for helping building community!
For questions about the matchmaking, contact Melanie Adler (, Rebecca Byard (, or Jennifer Nichols (
Preparing for Passover Workshop with Rabbi Toba
Sunday, April 7, 10:15-11:15 am
CDT Religious School (Cabot Elementary, 229 Cabot St, Newton)
Looking for some great ideas to make your seder engaging for people of all ages? Wondering how to get kids excited about Passover rituals? All are invited to join Rabbi Toba for this pre-Pesach workshop, focused on creating engaging seders for multi-generational gatherings.
Tue, September 17 2024
14 Elul 5784
Upcoming Events
Tuesday ,
SepSeptember 17 , 2024Mindful Mornings
Tuesday, Sep 17th 8:30a to 9:15a
This twice-weekly gathering combines guided and silent meditation to develop our capacity for mindful awareness and to cultivate qualities of patience, gratitude, and compassion. -
Tuesday ,
SepSeptember 17 , 2024Tuesday Religious School
Tuesday, Sep 17th 4:00p to 6:00p
Tuesday ,
SepSeptember 17 , 2024I/P Peace: Legacies of Dissent: American Jews, Zionism, and Palestine with Marjorie Feld and Geoffrey Levin
Tuesday, Sep 17th 8:00p to 9:00p
Wednesday ,
SepSeptember 18 , 2024Sephardic Selihot with Rahab Hiram Webbe
Wednesday, Sep 18th 7:30a to 8:15a
Join Admin Assistant Rahab Hiram in the Sephardic practice of reciting Selihot before Shaharit every morning during the month of Elul and throughout the Ten Days of T'shuva! (Elul on Zoom, AYT hybrid Zoom & CDT Parlor) -
Wednesday ,
SepSeptember 18 , 2024Return to the Place: An Elul Workshop on Teshuva with Rabbinic Intern Beck (In-Person)
Wednesday, Sep 18th 7:00p to 8:30p
Thursday ,
SepSeptember 19 , 2024Mindful Mornings
Thursday, Sep 19th 8:30a to 9:15a
This twice-weekly gathering combines guided and silent meditation to develop our capacity for mindful awareness and to cultivate qualities of patience, gratitude, and compassion. -
Thursday ,
SepSeptember 19 , 2024Disability Justice Discussion Group
Thursday, Sep 19th 12:00p to 1:00p
Thursday ,
SepSeptember 19 , 2024The Very Narrow Bridge: An Elul Conversation
Thursday, Sep 19th 7:00p to 9:00p
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 21 , 2024Shabbat Morning Torah Study with Rabbi Toba Spitzer
Shabbat, Sep 21st 9:00a to 9:45a
Saturday ,
SepSeptember 21 , 2024Shabbat Morning Services
Shabbat, Sep 21st 10:00a to 12:00p
Alot Hashachar | 5:03am |
Earliest Tallit | 5:36am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:28am |
Latest Shema | 9:33am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:35am |
Chatzot (Midday) | 12:39pm |
Mincha Gedola | 1:10pm |
Mincha Ketana | 4:15pm |
Plag HaMincha | 5:32pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 6:50pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 7:32pm |
More >> |