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Online Payments

Thank you for supporting Congregation Dorshei Tzedek!

If you are on this page to renew your membership dues, before completing the payment information below, please make a pledge in your account before making a payment, either through the renewal form, or directly in your account. After that, return to this page and choose dues 5785 in the drop down menu below, labeled TYPE so you can receive credit as a dues payment. 

If you are here to make a donation in support of High Holydays 5785, beside TYPE in the drop down menu, please  choose High Holydays. Donations that do not have a specific TYPE will be coded as general donations and allocated to the General Fund.

All contributions to Congregation Dorshei Tzedek are valued and appreciated. If a gift is made in honor of a person or an occasion, an appropriate acknowledgement will be sent (if requested). It is our policy to acknowledge all contributions, not including amounts, in our newsletter, unless they are made anonymously.

If you are considering making a gift through a stock or security, please contact the CDT office, as we changed brokerage accounts in August of 2024.

If you have any questions, or would like assistance, please feel free to call or email the office using the information at the bottom of this page.

Online Donations

We encourage you to make your donation, or other payments to Congregation Dorshei Tzedek online using an echeck (i.e., your bank routing number and account number) or credit card. Please note that when paying with a credit card, we are charged a fee of 3% for processing the payment. This fee is automatically added to your donation amount on the payments page, although you may "opt out". Paying by echeck will incur a processing fee of 0.8%.

If you wish to send a paper check to CDT, and have made a pledge in your account. You are all done, there is nothing to complete on this page.

Paper checks can be sent to the office at 60 Highland Street, West Newton, MA 02465. Please include a label on the check memo line, so it is allocated correctly.

Your support enables us to maintain our high quality programs, and allows us to expand in response to members’ interests and needs. Thank you!

People With Accounts Pay or Donate Here


Visitors Pay or Donate Here


Payment Details

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Payment Notes
Sat, January 18 2025 18 Tevet 5785