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Welcome to Kitah Dalet (Grade 4): Meet your teacher and learn about your curriculum! 

Devora Rohr (she/her)

Kitah Dalet (Fourth Grade)

Devora Rohr (yes, "ROAR!") has been teaching Nitzanim and Shorashim at CDT for many years. This year, she is looking forward to exploring the biblical Avot and Imahot (patriarchs and matriarchs) from Bereshit (Genesis). Trained in Godly Play and Torah Godly Play, Devora is eager to emphasize the storytelling methodology of Torah Godly Play, text study, and hevruta (partnership) work, and personal connections in the curriculum this year and to discover how this year's Kitah Dalet (4th grade) interprets the actions and relationships of our religious ancestors.

Curriculum Overview

Bereishit continued / Jewish Family Tree: Picking up roughly where the class left off in Kitah Gimel, this class continues studying the book of Genesis, beginning with the story of Abraham and Sarah, and follows the stories of their children and grandchildren. The class explores the variety of characters in the family tree and their diverse experiences of God. Learning midrash deepens the students’ experience of Jewish narrative process and the students engage in creative projects through drama, art or writing.


Kitah Dalet Siyyum 5781

Each year, Kitah Dalet students co-lead an Erev Shabbat service with Rabbi Toba. Watch the 2021 recording HERE.

Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785