Welcome to Kitah Bet (Grade 2): Meet your teachers and learn about your curriculum!
Andrea Kamens (she/her)
Kitah Bet (2nd Grade)
Andrea Kamens is excited to continue as Kitah Bet lead teacher on Sundays, bringing her passion for ethical, complex, beautiful Torah and her favorite puppets with her. This is Andrea’s 8th year at CDT. She also teaches 2nd grade, and middle grade Hebrew at Temple Beth Shalom in Needham. Andrea is a storyteller and teaching artist specializing in inclusion. She's on the board of The Story Space in Somerville (and online), a weekly venue started 32 years ago by the late Brother Blue and Ruth Edmonds Hill to allow for the sacred task of listening to all people. Andrea’s the founding director of Youth Standing Strong Camp, a global online storytelling camp matching mentors with youth tellers across all borders. She and her husband have been Boston residents for over 25 years, and have five kids and three cats.
Nate Feinfeld (he/him)
Kitah Bet Assistant Teacher
Nate is thrilled to be returning to Dorshei Tzedek to work as a Kitah Bet teaching assistant on Sundays. He is a senior at Westwood High School in Westwood, MA. He worked at Dorshei's religious school for two years previously, and will continue to bring his passion for Jewish values, ethics and ideals with him this year. He works as a camp counselor at Mass Audubon's Moose Hill nature camp during the summertime, working with children in grades K-3. He also enjoys hiking, biking, swimming, and playing multiple different musical instruments.
Curriculum Overview
The Bet Curriculum “Being a Mensch” introduces the concept of mitzvot as actions that connect people and make the world a better place. The students explore a variety of Jewish values and mitzvot such as welcoming guests, feeding the hungry, giving tzedakah, and caring for the elderly. In Kitah Bet students also begin their exposure to Hebrew letters and early reading skills.