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Religious School 5785 Registration

Shalom and welcome to the Dorshei Tzedek Religious School! 

Dorshei Tzedek is a joyful, supportive, and dynamic home for your family’s Jewish education. At our Religious School we celebrate Jewish life with engaging opportunities for children ages 3 through 7th grade and their families. Our Rabbi, Education Director, teachers, madrichimot (teen assistants), inclusion director, and support staff are so excited for another year of Jewish learning, community building, and justice seeking with each of you and your children! 

Below you will find descriptions of each of our Religious School programs, the school registration form, and deposit payment. 

Payment Information

Step 1: Please fill out this registration and deposit form. There is a multi-sibling discount of $100 per family that will be incorporated into the payment plan form, which you will receive upon registration. 

Step 2: Upon completing this form you will receive an email confirmation directing you to a form to establish your payment plan. Tuition should never be an obstacle to participation in Religious School. Congregation Dorshei Tzedek is committed to making Jewish learning accessible to all of our children. There will be a financial aid form available for families to use to create a payment plan that meets their needs. The deadline for establishing your payment plan for returning families is within 2 weeks of registration. Payment for 5784/2023-2024 is due prior to registering for 5785. 

Program Information


  • Sunday Religious School: Temple Reyim (1860 Washington St, Newton)
  • Shabbat and weekday in-person programs: Dorshei Tzedek (60 Highland St, West Newton) 

Sunday Religious School for Kitot Gan (ages 3-K) through Zayin (7th Grade)

We will meet in person at Temple Reyim on Sundays from 9:30 am-12:00 pm for Kitah Gan (ages 3-Kindergarten) through Kitah Zayin (7th grade). Each week we will begin together as a community of grownups and children and then students will split up by Kitah (grade level) to explore Jewish holidays, Torah, Jewish culture, and Jewish history. There will be opportunities for family and caregiver learning throughout the year. 

Sunday Schedule:

  • 9:30-10:00 am: Zman Bayachad (Together Time)/Shacharit (Morning Service) with Grown-ups and Children
  • 10:00 am-12:00 pm: Kitah (class) time & Caregiver Cafe
    • While children are learning, grown-ups are welcome to stay for coffee and schmoozing 
    • Caregivers are expected to attend Family Education and Bagel Brunches (1 time per semester with more requirements for 6th and 7th grade)

Weekday Religious School for Kitot Gimel through Vav 

We are excited to continue our small group and one-on-one approach to Hebrew and Tefillah (prayer) learning on Zoom and in person, with more weekday options for our older students.  

In order to hire enough one-on-one tutors, there is an additional fee of $360 for those who wish to do one-on-one tutoring. This $360 amounts to an additional $15 per tutoring session for the 24 sessions throughout the Religious School year. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. 

Weekday Religious School Details
Kitah Gimel (3rd grade): Students will meet in small groups at Dorshei Tzedek (60 Highland St, West Newton) for a one-hour Hebrew class on Tuesdays. Students will be placed in either a 4:00-5:00 pm class or 5:15-6:15 pm class. The Gimel Hebrew curriculum is centered on learning the Hebrew alphabet and decoding. This important year serves as a foundation for all future Hebrew and Tefillah (prayer) learning. The small group creates a dynamic and engaging learning environment for our newest Hebrew learners. One-on-one or small group Zoom tutoring may be provided on an as needed basis.

Kitot Dalet, Hey, and Vav (4th-6th grade): Students will have one-on-one or small group Tefillah (prayer) tutoring online or in-person at Dorshei Tzedek (60 Highland St, West Newton) according to learning and other needs. All in-person tutoring will be on Tuesdays, and online tutoring will be offered throughout the week. Tutors will help students learn to lead a prayer service, work on their Hebrew decoding and grammar skills, and explore the meaning of each prayer. Tutoring schedules will be created in August. 

Rosh Chodesh for Gimel through Vav: This event occurs a few times each semester from 4:00-6:00 pm. At Rosh Chodesh, students will come together at Dorshei Tzedek (60 Highland St, West Newton) for a Rosh Chodesh (new Hebrew month) celebration that will include a student-led Ma'ariv (evening service) and electives.

Contact Us 

In September, we will send you updated information with everything you need for beginning Religious School. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Education Director Earnest Arky Solomon at

Visit our Religious School website for the 5785 Religious School Calendar and more information!

Household 1 

Add Additional Parent/Guardian to Household 1

Add another household

Email Lists 

Please include first & last name, relationship to student, and email address.


In order to hire enough one-on-one tutors, we have added an additional fee of $360 for those who wish to do one-on-one tutoring. This $360 amounts to an additional $15 per tutoring session for the 24 sessions throughout the Religious School year. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. 

We care about your children's needs and want to work with you to create the best learning environment that we can for your child. Please answer the following questions to help us learn more about your child. 
In order to hire enough one-on-one tutors, we have added an additional fee of $360 for those who wish to do one-on-one tutoring. This $360 amounts to an additional $15 per tutoring session for the 24 sessions throughout the Religious School year. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. 
In order to hire enough one-on-one tutors, we have added an additional fee of $360 for those who wish to do one-on-one tutoring. This $360 amounts to an additional $15 per tutoring session for the 24 sessions throughout the Religious School year. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. 
In order to hire enough one-on-one tutors, we have added an additional fee of $360 for those who wish to do one-on-one tutoring. This $360 amounts to an additional $15 per tutoring session for the 24 sessions throughout the Religious School year. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. 
In order to hire enough one-on-one tutors, we have added an additional fee of $360 for those who wish to do one-on-one tutoring. This $360 amounts to an additional $15 per tutoring session for the 24 sessions throughout the Religious School year. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. 

Emergency Contact

In the event of an emergency, if parents cannot be reached, please notify:

Parental Agreement

I grant permission for my child(ren) to attend Congregation Dorshei Tzedek Religious School and to participate in all activities for the grade in which the child is enrolled. I release Congregation Dorshei Tzedek, Inc. and its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers from any liability arising out of my child's participation in its Religious School program.
I hereby give permission to the CDT staff to seek emergency medical treatment for my child if they deem it necessary. I agree to the release of any records necessary for insurance purposes. I give permission to the CDT staff to arrange necessary related transportation. In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician/health care provider selected by the CDT staff to secure and administer treatment, including hospitalization, for my child. I give permission to any health care provider, such as a hospital or physician, to share my child’s medical information with the CDT staff, for treatment purposes.
I understand and acknowledge the following: CDT cannot and does not guarantee a nut-free or otherwise allergen-free environment. I understand that if I would like to provide copies of students' insurance information, the CDT School will keep this information on file.
I hereby release Congregation Dorshei Tzedek, Inc. and all of its employees, agents, officers, and volunteers from any liability whatsoever, including but not limited to liability for personal injury arising out of or connected with my child's health or medical condition or any acts or omissions by CDT or its employees, agents, officers, and volunteers relating to my child's health or medical condition, including but not limited to any acts or omissions relating to the administration of medication or other treatment.
If I have listed multiple households on this form, I attest that the parent(s) in other households have given consent for their child(ren) to attend CDT Religious School.

By checking the box and signing my name, I declare that I have read and agree to all the terms in the agreement above.

Photo/Video Permission

Dorshei Tzedek is increasingly focused on public relations and outreach as a way to share what we love about CDT with the wider world. This question relates to the public release of photos and videos to local newspapers, brochures, Facebook, the Congregation Dorshei Tzedek website, and other forms of communication.

Tuition and Deposit

We require a $100 deposit in order to confirm your registration. This deposit will be applied towards your total tuition payment. Tuition must be paid in full by January 31st, 2025. 

Upon completing this form you will receive an email confirmation directing you to establish your payment plan. Tuition should never be an obstacle to participation in Religious School. Congregation Dorshei Tzedek is committed to making Jewish learning accessible to all of our children. In the confirmation email there will be a financial aid form available for families to use to create a payment plan that meets their needs. The deadline for establishing your payment plan for returning families is August 1st.

   Grade       Tuition (Members)       Tuition (Non-Members)   
Gan, Alef, Bet (Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2) $845 $995
Gimmel (Grade 3) $1,295 $1,470
Dalet, Hey, Vav (Grades 4, 5, 6) $1,295 Membership Required
One-on-one tutoring: Dalet, Hey, Vav $360 Membership Required
Zayin (Grade 7) $865 Membership Required
Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785