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Return to the Place: An Elul Workshop on Teshuva with Rabbinic Intern Beck (Zoom)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 8 Elul 5784

7:00 PM - 8:30 PMZoom

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Elul is the season of self-reflection, as we consider the ways that our actions have fallen short of our values, and we begin the spiritual hike to return to our highest selves. Often translated in English as "repentance," the word teshuva comes from the Hebrew root shuv meaning "to return." The Hebrew word for sin, chet, derives from archery, and has the sense of "missing the mark." Thus, in Judaism, when we sin by messing up or causing harm, we atone for this by returning our aim and our actions to the mark that we missed. Through a mix of discussion, text study, song and bibliodrama, this 4-session workshop series explores teshuva, in preparation for the High Holydays.

Session 2, Accounting of the Soul: We will learn about the reflection practice of cheshbon ha nefesh or "accounting of the soul," and apply it to our own High Holydays teshuva work.

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Tue, September 17 2024 14 Elul 5784