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CDT Climate Change Action Group


CDT Carbon Challenge Kicks off in May!

The CDT Climate Change Action Group invites the CDT community to join our new “Carbon Challenge campaign,” in which we as members are pledging to change our consumption habits and reduce our carbon output both individually and collectively.

Beginning in the week of Shavuot (May 24) and the CDT Retreat (May 29), the Climate Change Action Group is kicking off the CDT Carbon Challenge.  We are asking you to take a pledge make changes in your daily routine to reduce your carbon footprint, from small changes at home such as switching to LED light bulbs, adjusting your thermostat, and using a clothesline to larger changes such as insulating your home, switching to clean sources of electricity, and getting involved in pushing for broader policy changes in the political realm.

We have come up with a list of possible actions for you to take, called “More than Lightbulbs.” We’ve assigned each action a certain number of “Carbon Points,” which correspond roughly to how easy or difficult the action is, and the amount of impact it has.

We’re setting a congregation-wide goal of earning 350,000 Carbon Points between Shavuot and Rosh Hashana. (350 parts per million is the level of Carbon Dioxide climate scientists say we need to get down to - we are currently at over 400). Each participating household will set its own goal for Carbon Points and pledges to take the actions it chooses from the “More than Lightbulbs” list. A website is planned for members to track their points, see how many points the community as a whole has earned, and share ideas and support.

Making the Carbon Challenge successful will require lots of members to participate, but how much you do is entirely up to you. We hope you will join us!

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785